There’s a freshness of invention in these early opera which is still immediately attractive today ... This is a performance wich invites sustained listening. Partly it’s the sheer variety of voices and moods which helps conjure up the action in the theatre of the mind, partly it’s to do with Cesti’s powerful recitative and arioso, but in large measure it is to do with the variety of pacing, careful characterisation and engaging singing from the cast under the direction of Carlo Ipata.
Le disgrazie d'Amore
Antonio Cesti
Hyperion CDA67771/2

Maria Grazia Schiavo: Soprano, Furio Zanasi: Baritono, Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani: Tenore, Cristiana Arcari: Soprano, Paolo Lopez: Soprano, Antonio Abete: Basso, Enea Sorini: Basso, Luigi De Donato: Basso, Gabriella Martellacci: Alto, Carlos Natale: Tenore, Francesco Ghelardini: Controtenore, Martin Oro: Controtenore, Elena Cecchi Fedi : Soprano
There’s a freshness of invention in these early opera which is still immediately attractive today ... This is a performance wich invites sustained listening. Partly it’s the sheer variety of voices and moods which helps conjure up the action in the theatre of the mind, partly it’s to do with Cesti’s powerful recitative and arioso, but in large measure it is to do with the variety of pacing, careful characterisation and engaging singing from the cast under the direction of Carlo Ipata.